Saturday 12 June 2010


How to make a decision - actually that'd be a better title, then I could write " I have no idea"  end of blog post! But there is no getting away from them, they fill our daily lives and if we are particularly unlucky they fill our nighttime too. I have been making quite a few lately, nothing earth shattering but of importance to me. To be able to say that is quite a step forward as in the not too distant past I was unable to decide upon the simplest of things. And isn't it often the simplest that floor us? I have stumbled over 'do I have marmite or marmalade on my toast' and laughable as that may be, at the time it resulted in me not eating the toast.
The photo shoot I had earlier in the week was a good example of my improved ability to make decisions without pondering...... I couldn't dither, the answer had to be almost instant, though they were made easier as they involved clothes, shoes, makeup etc. All areas in which I feel comfortable. I can imagine that some would think them terribly trivial but on this occasion they were important to the success of the shoot, they had to be right. After all if you put the wrong stockings with a dress..........  I made the right decisions and at the end of the shoot I felt more confident than I have for a long while - I had held the whip hand (and NO it wasn't that sort of photo shoot!) and the decisions I made had resulted in success.
I might even decide to post one or two of the photos.....ummmm let me think about that one ;)

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