Saturday 29 January 2011


Thinking isn't doing.  Doing is the hard bit which should, for optimum effect, follow immediately (or as near as damn it!) after the thinking bit. I just thought I'd share that. Perhaps the act of writing it down will remind me for the next time I do any thinking …………


Stockings and Heels 

Thursday 27 January 2011

Saturday 22 January 2011

Words I must avoid.

I started a list - Words I must avoid - Then I realised that it should be two lists, one for written words and one for spoken. The written list would have to be sub-divided into words not to be used in emails to friends/family and words not to be used on social networking sites (horrid phrase - who thought it up and it's going at the top of one of my lists)

The spoken list is perhaps even more problematical, but I'll sort that out later - maybe. I'm usually quite a way behind with the "in" words of the young as I no longer have teenagers around me and therefore the words take longer to filter through. I have to take care when in public and talk in a way befitting a grown up - how boring that is! At home and amongst friends I don't mind making a complete fool of myself by using a word which went out of fashion/usage a mere nanosecond ago. The family / friends smile and put it down to my age :))  As far as the SNS's go, as no one knows it's really me… they? I can act a part - the whole thing is a giant stage - I can be whoever I want to be, say whatever I like. This thought makes me realise how happy I am being me - I don't need to act anything.

Anyway, back to the lists…….. maybe. Perhaps that should go at the top of all the lists - maybe. Well it might and then again it might not .

Friday 21 January 2011

No Words

On the way home - I had to stop for this…..

The end of another night.

Wednesday 19 January 2011


Yesterday was a special day, which, sad to say, passed unnoticed. It won't happen again in so many ways.

Oh to sleep… sleep

For some reason my sleep patterns have gone haywire and I'm awake at around 4am, lying watching the clock, trying to sleep, trying to avoid the temptation to get up and DO something.  The more I try to sleep the more impossible it becomes. A vicious circle if ever there was one.
Yesterday I had my third session of Shiatsu and felt wonderfully relaxed afterwards in a dreamy sort of way. I hope that the feeling will last so that I can get a good sleep. I have tried Reiki and Reflexology, both of which have been helpful, though I find that Shiatsu has a more lasting effect. The main problem has been how far I have had to travel for treatments. Driving home afterwards has been a strain on occasions and has negated the effects. Now I have a different strategy, the treatment, a long lunch and a walk and then the drive home. It isn't a long way but by the time I'm turning into the driveway I am ready to sleep.  I don't fully understand the workings of Shiatsu, except that pressure points similar to those of acupuncture are used. I am quite happy not to know, I approached it with an open mind and am content that I get benefit. I have no wish to dissect it.


Tuesday 18 January 2011

No words

Whilst tidying up my photo library I found these from 2010.

Helford River from Budock Vean foreshore

Just walk down the steps...


Sun or shade

Clovelly rooftops

Monday 17 January 2011


Well that's a start and a half for a blog, giving it a title like that! Funny how you get them though - epiphanies that is.They can range from the  "ah, yes I see now"  to a full mind blowing realisation of something life altering...maybe...  
So my epiphany, my latest at least, has come and left its mark. Now it remains to be seen if I can follow through and take advantage of my new realisation. Changes will have to be made, and that is going to be the crux of the problem. I, along with about 90% of the population, don't like changes....... be it striding or limping along the same old path we are happy-ish. Ask us to move across to another path and things become difficult, nigh on impossible.
All I can suggest is that those of you who know me well keep watch...... those of you who don't will probably be the first to know.....tis the way of things...…..

Sum total


Crow Point.

Friday 14 January 2011

Hair today and …..what tomorrow?

My hair is now the longest it's been for…….ooh years and years and to tell the truth I really like it long. But liking it and it being "suitable" are two different things, not that I have any great wish to join the blue rinse brigade ( do they still do blue rinses I wonder)  I dream of neat little bobs or sophisticated curls, coloured with highlights or lowlights or some of each. I have never been one for spending a fortune at the hairdressers, I rarely go. Instead a friend of mine, a hairdresser, trims my hair about every 6 - 9 months. We sit in her kitchen and chat about this and that, the dogs, the sheep, the family and she trims the ends for me. It was a shock therefore, when I called into a hairdressers to investigate treatments and costs………COSTS !! hells teeth I didn't quite realise I would have to remortgage the house! So now I have to decide - do I keep my lovely long hair, which I enjoy or do I opt for something ……… ummm…..different….and expensive.

Does it stay ..or does it go?

Sunday 2 January 2011

Cough, comfort and lists

Hmmmm  the cough is still with me, though now I have some heavy duty linctus…. that should sort it out!
I'm about to start making lists - lists of things to do during this month. No it's not going to be one long party, thank you all for the suggestion, but I have other ideas. The Beauty Salon is going to feature quite high on the list whereas decluttering the house is not. Photography trips will be up there at the top.
A cute little boy at a family gathering yesterday gave me an idea for a series of photos.  There are two here to start the year.

Because we all need a bit of comfort...

Saturday 1 January 2011

2011 - Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone. I wish you Health and Happiness and things in your life to make you smile. After all a smile lifts the spirits of the giver and the receiver and it's so much more attractive than a frown.  Not so heavy on the Anti-Aging cream either!

 My New Year resolution, well the only one I'm definitely going to keep, is to have my hair cut and styled - something new and sassy maybe. I might even have highlites and lowlites, or coloured streaks...who knows till I get in the stylists chair.  The other Resolutions that I have made are all the usual ones, you know, the ones which last a week or two - lose weight, go to the gym, stop eating biscuits, stop "collecting" stuff.......... Well I can but try!  If you have made Resolutions good luck with them I'm sure you'll succeed with one or two.

Now I'm off to slurp more Cough Linctus, Sinutabs and anything else I can find to clear my head, as I welcome 2011 with cough and sniffles and a large box of tissues.