Monday 17 January 2011


Well that's a start and a half for a blog, giving it a title like that! Funny how you get them though - epiphanies that is.They can range from the  "ah, yes I see now"  to a full mind blowing realisation of something life altering...maybe...  
So my epiphany, my latest at least, has come and left its mark. Now it remains to be seen if I can follow through and take advantage of my new realisation. Changes will have to be made, and that is going to be the crux of the problem. I, along with about 90% of the population, don't like changes....... be it striding or limping along the same old path we are happy-ish. Ask us to move across to another path and things become difficult, nigh on impossible.
All I can suggest is that those of you who know me well keep watch...... those of you who don't will probably be the first to know.....tis the way of things...…..

Sum total


Crow Point.

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