Friday 14 January 2011

Hair today and …..what tomorrow?

My hair is now the longest it's been for…….ooh years and years and to tell the truth I really like it long. But liking it and it being "suitable" are two different things, not that I have any great wish to join the blue rinse brigade ( do they still do blue rinses I wonder)  I dream of neat little bobs or sophisticated curls, coloured with highlights or lowlights or some of each. I have never been one for spending a fortune at the hairdressers, I rarely go. Instead a friend of mine, a hairdresser, trims my hair about every 6 - 9 months. We sit in her kitchen and chat about this and that, the dogs, the sheep, the family and she trims the ends for me. It was a shock therefore, when I called into a hairdressers to investigate treatments and costs………COSTS !! hells teeth I didn't quite realise I would have to remortgage the house! So now I have to decide - do I keep my lovely long hair, which I enjoy or do I opt for something ……… ummm…..different….and expensive.

Does it stay ..or does it go?

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