Saturday 1 January 2011

2011 - Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone. I wish you Health and Happiness and things in your life to make you smile. After all a smile lifts the spirits of the giver and the receiver and it's so much more attractive than a frown.  Not so heavy on the Anti-Aging cream either!

 My New Year resolution, well the only one I'm definitely going to keep, is to have my hair cut and styled - something new and sassy maybe. I might even have highlites and lowlites, or coloured streaks...who knows till I get in the stylists chair.  The other Resolutions that I have made are all the usual ones, you know, the ones which last a week or two - lose weight, go to the gym, stop eating biscuits, stop "collecting" stuff.......... Well I can but try!  If you have made Resolutions good luck with them I'm sure you'll succeed with one or two.

Now I'm off to slurp more Cough Linctus, Sinutabs and anything else I can find to clear my head, as I welcome 2011 with cough and sniffles and a large box of tissues.

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