Sunday 25 July 2010

A childhood memory.

I am writing this as a contribution to "Lottie Loves Finishing School, Writing Workshop" The topic is remembering so I thought I'd get this written before I forget.....

At age 11 I was lucky enough to have a pony, bought for me by a doting Grandfather. He handed over pony and tack and left my parents to pick up the rest of the tab, ie. finding stabling, paddocks, food, shoes etc. I think on reflection, this made them very resentful, but at 11 who notices these things. Anyway, to their eternal credit they found all that was necessary and the pony became part of our everyday life. Only about a couple of years passed and the pony was ill and large Vet bills arrived. Unfortunately it wasn't a happy ending. Along came another pony, but this time a bigger, stronger one. One far above my ability as a rider but I persevered, hit the ground more than a few times too!! We went to Pony Club Camp, Shows, Gymkhanas, the usual round of pony events and it was great fun. Secretly I always wished that I could just concentrate on the "looking after/riding out" part of my pride and joy, rather than the Shows.
It was at one such Show that I received a knock which has stayed with me, but not a physical one, that I could have coped with.
As I rode back from warm up exercise my Dad met me and said " You should let "____" ride him in this event, she rides him much better than you do"
Need I say more…………….

1 comment:

Nicki Thurgar Photography said...

:o( It's funny how some things stay with you forever, not always the nice words too...