Friday 29 October 2010


I normally take a Self Portrait each friday -  perhaps I should take one of some of my bruises?!?  Perhaps not - best to draw a veil over that incident. At least the BP is back to normal. I haven't been able to contact either of the very kind ladies who helped me after my fall. I'll have to put a notice in the Post Office window. We, as a nation, are so quick to proclaim all the "bad" things/people in our society. More effort should be made to advertise all the multitude of good people and happenings that there are. If we did it might become self perpetuating, to the benefit of all. So in case they ever do read my Blog - Thank you Abby and lady with mobile phone for your kindness, and Claire for the blankets and the laugh the next day!!
So off to sort out a photo……what will it be today I wonder. Here's one from a while ago. :))

1 comment:

Lottie said...

Oh no, I'm just catching up on my reader. I didn't know you'd had a fall, you poor thing. I hope you're okay now. Big hugs xxx