Tuesday 23 February 2010

Paperwork - Heaps

During my "absent" months - that's the only way I can think of them as I have little recollection of what happened for a great portion of them, in certain quarters of my life anyway. Other parts are crystal clear. Strange that......... Anyway I digress..... during that time I did not touch any paperwork, bills, receipts, statements, accounts of any sort. It's a wonder we didn't go bankrupt!! Everything accumulated in heaps in the study and sometimes on the kitchen table, until it was moved......to the study. Yesterday I made a start. It was hardly worth keeping the old stuff on the bottom of the heap (that's the first heap) so a quick look through for anything crucial then on the new heap for the fire it went. This new heap is now 1' high - I really must light the fire soon............. Today I might tackle another heap, or file some of yesterdays "crucial stuff" or do some photography.............place your bets...............

1 comment:

John said...

Ha ... I bet on photography!

Why are you doing the paperwork?

My office has piles of paper too, they get to the fire after about 12 months if I haven't worked on them. BUT my post does get opened and read everyday!!
It's only the work has to wait for me to get to it.
How can you leave post it might be a cheque from a rich uncle or from the tax man!!! Yea ok pigs might fly.

Did I win my bet about photos?

Oh I still don't see a rubber band.