Thursday 4 February 2010


So here I am ..... back from the Opticians with 2 sorts of drops to use in my eyes, specifically my left eye. One lot will leave me with blurry vision for about 30 minutes - they go in twice each day. The others are artificial tears and are to be used 4 times each day. All in all there isn't going to be much time when I have clear vision. Great for photography!!

I've looked back at a previous entry which, due to the wording, could imply that I don't normally take thought and care with my photographs. This isn't true, but perhaps it is my own perception of the processes of preparation etc that is askew!


Faye White said...

The optimist in me would say that this is an opportunity to stretch the limits of your creativity... shooting with less than perfect vision might produce something unexpected and pleasing.

The 'other' side of me would want to slap the heck out of anyone who said that to me... ;-)

John said...

Big Hugggg XX

Anonymous said...

Please don't slap, Faye, she was only teasing.

I wanted to post a comment as you have been visiting my blog and leaving comments while I did not even know you had a blog until today. I have read some of your writings and enjoyed them. It takes courage to search within and find what our thoughts are and then share them. So, I thank your for shariing them.

I must admit I'm unaware of the pain your experiencing nor am I aware of the reason. I would like to continue following along on your blog that expresses your thoughts and some damn good images!

And, thanks for adding me to your blogs list, that is a major compliment for me.