Sunday 1 August 2010

Very erratic blog entries of late, I must have been busy, or something. I have been sorting my photo library and in the process completely kn.........ed it :(( Fortunately help was at hand to sort me out....again. I have promised to be very careful in my next bout of tidying!
There is another Photo Shoot in the planning stage and I am really looking forward to it. Being in front of the camera isn't so bad after all, not that I would like to do it on a regular basis, it's hard work as well as fun, but then perhaps that's my age?!
I am finally seeing the light with the Camera Club Programme - it has been a trial this time to organise as people are a bit reluctant to travel any distance and are generally cutting down on their evening commitments. But I seem to have ended up with some activity or other for every meeting so all is well. Time will tell if the club members are happy.
I have had some praise for my SoFoBoMo book of photographs which is really nice. I enjoyed the challenge - I might have said that before, so I'll be doing another one in 2011, all being well. is the link if you'd like a look.

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