Thursday 3 March 2011

And on to the next

The trip to France is but a distant memory now - how quickly the days go by, it's March already!  As my photographs in the last post show Rennes is a wonderful city. I was totally enthralled by the architecture and I'm sure I'll be back there quite soon. It is strange how the trips over the channel have grown on me, I no longer get the "I want to be at home" feeling after a few days. A sure sign that I now regard that little bit of Brittany as home. Apart from the trips to Saint-Aignan and Rennes, laying floor covering in the bathroom was about the only other "event"  One perhaps I'll skim over - enough to say that it proved to be more difficult than expected thanks to liberal applications of spray-on glue used on the old linoleum. The new floor covering looks good so the struggle wasn't in vain.

So now it's full steam ahead for the Pbase meeting in London. Everything is booked and paid for and logged and printed…….probably. The ever present problem of packing is still to be resolved, not so much of what to take as what to take it in. Trial and error today should sort that one though and I intend to be ruthless in  cutting down on clothes I take…….hmmmmm

The photos here are from my Abandoned and Unloved gallery 

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