Friday 17 December 2010


First one out this morning.

Woke up to snow today, in common with the rest of the country I guess. I had hoped it might not materialise, though I had been warned several times that it was on it's way. So packing for the trip to France will have to be a bit different. Wellies, a shovel, a couple of blankets have been added to the ever growing pile. There was I yesterday extolling the virtues of packing light....ha! But then those of you who know me knew it wouldn't last, I like my creature comforts when it comes to clothes/makeup/shoes etc.Anyway the ferry booking has been changed and the 4 x 4 will be in use. The very first time I drove it over I was directed to the very lowest level of the ferry where I was surrounded and well and truly dwarfed on all sides by lorries. I don't know what I did to deserve that and it was a bit scary but we  survived.

 Well the sun is out and the sky is blue so I'm off to take some more photos. You never know it might all be melted by tomorrow!

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