Monday 26 April 2010

It's all a matter of timing.

From when you get up in the morning, in my case 3.45am, to when you sign out and say goodnight it's all a matter of timing....... Being up so early, unable to sleep is going to reflect upon my day, much as when I closed the laptop finally last night caused my lack of sleep. Perhaps another 30 minutes of sleep would have got me through this dreaded time of the morning..........perhaps. But now I am awake and my mind is racing with the full complement of worries and wonderings. Timing for a lot of things was s!*t yesterday. I desperately need a clear head and a body free from pain - ha! don't want much do I? -  to be able to get my timing right today.............

1 comment:

Brian said...

I often had the same problem. I can empathize.